There are tulips everywhere and you didn’t even like tulips. Why would people make the effort, take the trek to the nearest flower shop upon themselves just to bring the wrong fucking sort of flowers to your funeral. It’s not like you hated tulips or anything but it’s just that you thought it was nicer…
Read moreif this makes you feel better then I wrote it for you
you are more than the parts of your sum more than all the cells that make up this body of yours because you keep them together with your quick wit and your ability to make someone laugh who feels like crying and your persistence to always see the good in others you are more…
Read morea monster calls // patrick ness
I’ve started reading this book on a long train journey home. It was late in the evening and I almost couldn’t keep my eyes open but at the same time I just could. not. stop. reading. First of all: It’s about a boy. And a sick mother. And a yew tree, planted atop a hill…
Read moreher own garden
She’s staring out of the window as if her life depends on it, as if every single time she blinks all hell could break lose and the world could be turned upside down. Her eyes search the woods surrounding her house, the space in between the thick tree trunks and the space between the branches…
Read morecarnation, lily
I never used to like art all that much. Maybe that’s a weird thing to say. It’s not that I’ve actively disliked it, it’s just that I didn’t particularly care for it. I’d walk through galleries and not really feel the connection I knew I was supposed to feel, the joy of looking at something…
Read moresea legs
He has the rambling, unsteady gait of someone who has been to sea for too long and can’t really remember how to walk normally, on steady ground, feet planted firmly onto the earth. He is used to the low and reassuring sway of waves underneath his boat, and he prefers it. But no matter, that…
Read morenew york, new york
new year’s resolutions & all that jazz
I’m a firm believer in New Year’s Resolutions. As the year is drawing to its close, I’ve spoken to a few people about resolution-making and noticed that there’s a wide variety of opinions to be had on the matter, ranging from appalled at the idea and the whole humdrum surrounding it, to people who never…
Read moregrowing pains
I already knew back then. Judged from an outsider’s point of view it may have seemed like an insignificant stretch of time, all of us standing on the brink of our own lives; not yet old enough to understand the weight of all that was to come looming above our shoulders but neither young enough…
Read more7th of december: jonathan
Last year I started to write a book I didn’t quite finish, but this one character Jonathan has been stuck in my head ever since. There’s a heaviness inside of him which seems to stifle everything that he wants to say or think. Where his very own thoughts and joys used to be there’s just…
Read moredas gute geheimnis
Text für eine Lesung an der schweizerischen Erzählnacht zum Thema “Top Secret”. Und es gibt es doch, genauso wie du gesagt hast. ‚Das gute Geheimnis’ hast du es genannt. Diese kleinen, leisen Momente im Leben, die nur hie und da aufblitzen im nie-endenden Sog des Alltags. Man steht in der Küche mit einem Glas Wein…
Read morejust kids // patti smith
Johnny Depp called this book a “poetic masterpiece, a rare and privileged invitation to unlatch a treasure chest” and although he may be an eccentric hollywood/rockstar/model god with an alcohol problem I must side with him on this one. It. is. so. good. You-don’t-even-have-to-be-a-fan-of-Patti-Smith-or-her-music-to-enjoy-it kind of good, even though it’s basically just her life spread…
Read moreder wortflechter
Es schien fast so, als würde das gesamte ligurische Bergdorf mit jedem Schlag der schweren Kirchturmglocke mitbeben. Feiner Nebel hing vor den steinernen Häusern, umwickelte die Fenster und Türen wie Wattebäusche und tunkte die engen, verschlafenen Gässchen Baiardos in gespenstisches Licht. Als nun die Glocke zum neunten Mal schlug, hätte ein verirrter Wanderer ein seltsames…
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