A light laugh pearled from her mouth. This is the only way I can describe it, I swear to you if I could say it differently, I would. I hate figures of speech just as much as you do, probably even more. But this woman was different, her poise and elegance not to be matched…
Read morethe kingdom of light
a long journey home The sea is lying perfectly still, enclosed as it is by these high mountains which have surrounded it since eternity and more. Dusk has fallen over the city which lies at the peak of the sea enclave, perched right in the valley between two high mountain ranges sloping their way against…
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I’m moving out this week. Only for a little while, one semester, so it kind of slipped my notice. But the fact remains; I’ll be moving out soon. I’ll call a different place my home. Letters that are addressed to me will now carry an English street name, one that I’m not used to yet….
Read morethe star
The big marble hallway felt empty as a church when the clock strikes three in the morning, although it was only early afternoon. Heavy sunlight filtered in through the windows, illuminating the countless oil portraits suspended from the wall, each one more intricate, more colourful than the last. Giant rivers of red velvet curtains were…
Read morethe line
In some ways she envied him, and in some ways she wished more than anything else to never become like him. It was a strange ambiguity, something that intrigued her about him and his careless ways, just as much as it repelled her. He was like a magnet to her, and there were times when…
Read morethe sea
He’d always wondered, all these years he’d known her why she loved the sea so much and why she was pulled to it almost with magnetic intensity, every summer as soon as the days got lighter all she wanted to do was escape, head south, to where the waves crashed onto pebbly beaches. Sometimes…
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Rome is one of those cities that is so full with beautiful things, you can’t really take a wrong turn because you’re sure to find a beautiful church or building down the road that you weren’t supposed to take. So, there’s not really such a thing as a ‘wrong turn’, just lucky accidents (which did…
Read morethe elsewhere of ‘a’
In space, any possible event can be placed into three classes; events after a certain event A (from which light emanates in ever-growing circles, building a light cone) and events before that event A which are in the inverted “past” light cone leading to A. And then there’s the third, called the elsewhere of A….
Read morethe rescue
fever to the form
Feverishly he walks along the edges of his mind, searching for the words that will make her stay, he knocks at the walls of her mind to find what is hidden behind it, the real reason why she’d said what she just said but he finds himself strangely unable to form any coherent thought. His…
Read moreviva la revolución
„Mein Leben war so lang in vielen Aspekten, und so unglaublich kurz in vielen anderen. Ich erinnere mich nicht mehr mit Sicherheit an die grossen Dinge. Ich weiss nicht mehr, wie mein Hochzeitskleid ausgesehen hat, was das erste Wort meines ersten Kindes war. Erinnerungen sind eine seltsame Sache. Ich weiss nichts mehr von den grossen…
Read morethe boss
She took long, deep strokes in the simmering summer heat. She’d always loved swimming for its robotic and reliable motions, for the space it opened up for thinking the instant her mind went places while her body moved automatically; left arm, right arm, left, breathe; left arm, right arm, left, breathe. But not even she…
Read moreenclosed in amber
She was radiant and good, a queen among her people if ever there has been one, even though no royal blood ran through her veins. She was attentive in her silence, listening out for small undercurrents of a change of tone, or a change of light in a room. She was self-assured in her character,…
Read morethe willow
There’s a tree outside his window. It’s a willow, strong and bony, her hair reaching to the ground in tearful sorrow. She makes him sad every time he looks at her. He’s not sure if that is her fault or his. Might be no one’s in particular, just his mind sometimes. It’s worst of all…
Read morethe secret history // donna tartt
“The snow in the mountains was melting and Bunny had been dead for several weeks before we came to understand the gravity of our situation. […] and though once I thought I had left that ravine forever on an April afternoon long ago, now I am not so sure. Now the searchers have departed, and…
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