I’ve always quite liked my name. Flora sounds like flowers and summer, and these are two things I love. At the same time, I also enjoy a cold, snowy winter’s day when I don’t need to go outside and can drink tea en masse, curl up on the couch and read (or write, which this blog is for). So either I’m just a very indecisive person (which I am, truth be told) or I am someone who makes the best out of every situation (which I hope I am, truth be told).
That’s my name explained. On we go: I’m 26 years old, my greatest dream is to be a novelist, my favourite flowers are dahlias, sometimes my own stories make me cry, my favourite tea is earl grey, I’m a compulsive book-buyer (& pretty book covers make me weak) and candles make everything better.
I currently live in London. My bedroom on the fourth floor of a former council block overlooks a mighty tree and the row of quaint houses opposite, and sometimes I sit on the windowsill to write while surveying the street below, and then I often feel very lucky indeed. However, life is not always all writing-on-windowsills. I also scribble in a selection of the following places: the tube, in queues, in libraries, on friends’ couches, in parks, in book stores, on bar toilets, on double-decker buses (best if I get a first row upstairs seat but I’m not too fussy). I recently took part in Curtis Brown Creative’s three month novel-writing course. Though I did not write a novel in three months, I have learnt skills for when I one day will.
My writing has found its way, among other places, to the Literaturhaus Zürich, the Aargauer Literaturhaus Lenzburg, the Tate Britain, the Mitsommerfest Frauenfeld, the Schweizerische Erzählnacht Arbon and the Junge Texte Literaturförderpreis Thurgau.